Changes Affecting Condominium Associations
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Last updated: Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Director Abstaining from Voting:

In an attempt to avoid a conflict of interest, Directors & Officers would vote, “abstain, neither, nor, refrain, desist and even present”. Although they may have been savvy, the vote used would officially count as an opposed vote. Likewise, if Directors & Officers vote neither, nor or abstain etc… the vote was presumed to have assented to the action.

Effective October 1, 2008; if Directors & Officers vote to abstain on any corporate action taken, he/she would be presumed to have taken no position with regard to the action. Consequently, Directors & Officers may now vote to abstain without the minutes reflecting an opposition.

718.111  The association.–

1(b)  A director of the association who is present at a meeting of its board at which action on any corporate matter is taken shall be presumed to have assented to the action taken unless he or she votes against such action or abstains from voting. A director of the association who abstains from voting on any action taken on any corporate matter shall be presumed to have taken no position with regard to the action. Directors may not vote by proxy or by secret ballot at board meetings, except that officers may be elected by secret ballot. A vote or abstention for each member present shall be recorded in the minutes.

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